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VI Peel 


At Fresh Aesthetics, treating the Milwaukee area, offers the highly favored VI Peel.  This customizable peel is effective in anti-aging, providing skin restoration and repair to all skin types.


What are Chemical Peels?

VI peels are formulated treatments designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring and fight fine lines and wrinkles.  This provides a chemical exfoliation where the superficial layers of the skin begin to flake and peel over the course of several days. 


What are the main ingredients in chemical peels?

VI peels are formulated with trichloroacetic acid (TCA), phenol, salicylic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and retinoic acid (Vitamin A).


It is a synergistic blend that is suitable for all skin types.


What is the treatment like?

The application takes about 20 minutes, but your skin first gets thoroughly cleansed before applying the peel. Most patients experience a tingling or burning sensation that usually fades after about 10 minutes.  

What can I expect the
week after a VI peel?

Immediately after your skin will look somewhat tan or glowy.  You can go about your regular day.  In general, you can expect to start peeling on or around day three and peel for about three to four days afterward. Each person’s peeling experience is a little different, and some may peel for more or fewer days, depending on the condition of the skin. You will see an instant glow after the peel. 

Will I need multiple treatments?

You can receive peels every 4-6 weeks and Fresh can work with you to get a plan in place if more is recommended.  You can also decide to do peels quarterly/seasonally for a maintenance of healthy skin.


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